Biography follows:
David Eccott is a professional musician engaged mostly in freelance playing and peripatetic teaching. His interest in the apparent anomalies of the Cydonia region of Mars stems from an interest in the question as to whether intelligent life forms exist elsewhere in the Universe, and whether we already possess the evidence that such life forms exist. The vast majority of David Eccott's literary articles have, naturally, been contributions to journals and books on music. However, he also has a long-standing interest in archaeology, especially the archaeology of Central America, and specifically the Maya civilization. This has led him to study loosely certain diffusionist theories, which attempt to promote the concept that some form of early contact existed between the Old and the New Worlds. Whilst he fully recognizes the fact that many misconceptions and errors have been made regarding this matter, and would therefore urge caution, he would also stress that the important question is not so much whether early trans-oceanic contact actually occurred, but rather the impact that such contact had on ancient Amerindian civilizations. His most recent contribution to this particular area of study is a paper published in The Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (1999:2) entitled 'Comalcalco: A Case for Early Pre-Columbian Contact and Influence?", the subject of which provided the basis for a lecture given at a convention organized by the University of Bergamo in June 1999.In the past he has also written for the Mars Newsletter.
By Neil Steede and David J. Eccott.
Migration and Diffusion. Volume 1. Issue No. 5. January-March 2001.
My position on current status of anomaly research is that I remain basically skeptical of evidence presented for intelligent life forms having existed on Mars. I personally am of the opinion that the only landform that possibly displays a degree artificiality is the landform dubbed "the fort". Whether this landform is artificial or not will only be determined by archaeological examination, and this will not occur until many years from now. Nevertheless, the landform would appear to be of geological interest whether artificial or not. Even if artificiality is determined, it would be more likely that it would point to evidence of an aborted attempt of an extra-solar source having attempted to possibly colonize a portion of the planet at some point in the remote past.
Last changed: Feb 01 2018 at 12:39 PM
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