![]() SPSR - Members |
Mr. Vincent DiPietro * |
(deceased). Vincent DiPietro, a senior systems engineer, now retired worked as a contractor at Goddard Space Flight Center for twenty-three years. Although without a formal college degree, he has attained a level of engineering Associate by participating in an Engineering course curricula at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland. Mr. DiPietro has designed, built, and delivered several electronic hardware packages for use in Image Processing equipment at Goddard Space Center. Read More |
Mr. Greg Molenaar |
Greg Molenaar is co-author of Unusual Mars Surface Features (see DiPietro). Read More |
Dr. John E. Brandenburg |
Co-author, with DiPietro & Molenaar, of the fourth edition of Unusual Mars Surface Features. Plasma Physicist working primarily on the theory of magnetic confinement of plasmas for fusion power and defense-related areas of plasma physics. Unified Field Theories. Coauthor with Monica Paxton on book Dead Mars - Dying Earth. Read More |
Dr. Randolfo Pozos |
Anthropologist, author of *The Face on Mars* and co-organizer of the original Independent Mars Investigation. Read More |
Dr. Mark J. Carlotto |
Mark J. Carlotto is an image scientist with 30 years of experience in satellite remote sensing and digital image processing. From 1972 to 1981 he studied optics, signal and image processing at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he received B.S., M.S., and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1977, 1979, and 1981. Read More |
Mr. Daniel Drasin |
Writer and Editor. Principal photographic consultant to the Independent Mars Investigations and the Society for Planetary SETI Research. 35-year background as photographer and award-winning cinematographer. Editor and photographic consultant for Dr. Mark J. Carlotto's *The Martian Enigmas* and editorial consultant for * The McDaniel Report.* Read More |
Mr. Erol Torun |
Currently working in the area of Computer Systems procurement. He is the author of "The Geometry and Geomorphology of the D&M Pyramid." Read More |
Professor Stanley V. McDaniel (Founder - SPSR) * |
Dr. Horace Crater * |
(deceased). Author of more than 50 peer-reviewed articles on physics in scholarly journals, including Two-Body Dirac Equations - Annals of Physics, Relativistic Naive Quark Model for Spinning Quarks in Mesons - Physical Review Letters, Structure of Quantum Mechanical Relativistic Two-Body Interactions for Spinning Particles - Foundations of Physics. Read More |
Dr. David Webb* (Vice-President, SPSR) |
(deceased).Former member of the National Commission on Space under President Ronald Reagan. Internationally known consultant on Space Policy. Read More |
Dr. James F. Strange* (Secretary, SPSR) |
(deceased). Read More |
Dr. Tom Van Flandern * |
(deceased). Former Chief, Celestial Mechanics Branch of the Nautical Almanac Office, U.S. Naval Observatory. Former consultant to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and frequent contributor to scholarly technical journals and astronomy magazines.Author of Dark Matter, Missing Planets, and New Comets. Read More |
Dr. Michael Zimmerman |
Former Chairman, Department of Philosophy, Tulane University Read More |
Dr. Conley Powell |
Specialties in space trajectories and numerical analysis. Also conversant with thermodynamics, gas dynamics, plasma physics, reactor physics, and heat transfer.
Other interests: astro- physics, paleontology, and archaeology.
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Mr. James Erjavec |
A specialist in geologic interpretation, mapping, and computer graphics, he used Viking images to develop a detailed CAD geomorphic feature map of the Cydonia region in 1994. This map was used to establish a geologic baseline in support of continued analyses of anomalous Martian surface features. He has authored and co-authored several articles on Martian landforms, the Cydonia region and Martian geology. Read More |
Mr. Ananda Sirisena (President, SPSR) |
Ananda Sirisena is currently employed by a major software company in the capacity of a senior Training Consultant. With many years background in the computing industry, he is familiar with the roles of Information Technology training. A long-time Mars researcher and UFO investigator, he has been interested in the subject of extra-terrestrial life since childhood. Read More |
Dr. Brian Oleary * |
(deceased). First NASA Scientist-Astronaut appointed to their Mars program in 1967 (later cancelled) Ph.D. thesis at UC Berkeley on the optical properties of Mars later about fifty publications regarding Mars Served on the Cornell faculty with the infamous Carl Sagan 1968-71 Read More |
Dr. Mitchell Swartz |
Sc.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984.(Electrical Engineering),MSEE, EE, BSEE (MIT, 1971).MD Harvard Medical School 1978. Background in pattern recognition and imaging processing. Published in the fields of radiographic and positron imaging systems, with special interest in identification and metabolic analysis of tumors Read More |
Mr. Lan Fleming |
Computer Systems Analyst, Artificial Intelligence Department, Southwest Research Institute. 1987-1990 Computer Systems Specialist, Intelligent Systems for a NASA subcontractor, Focus of work is the development of simulation software, primarily used for testing life-support system designs. Read More |
Dr. Alexey Arkhipov |
Senior scientist at the Institute of Radio Astronomy, Nat. Acad. Sc. of Ukraine. Assistant professor at Kharkov National University (Radio physics faculty). Ph.D. in astro physics and radio astronomy (Main Astronomical Observatory of Nat. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1998); dissertation:"New approaches to the problem of search for extra-terrestrial ntelligence"). Published in the fields of studying the decametric radio emissions of Jupiter and non-classical SETI e.g.: archaeological reconnaissance of the Moon). Author of SELENITES Moscow: Novation, 1998, in Russian) and more than 100 articles. The SETI League's Volunteer Coordinator for Ukraine. Member of the SETI Center, Moscow,Russia. Read More |
Dr. Ken Wheaton |
Having gone the B.A. B.D. M.A. and Ph.D. road in disciplines ranging from Fundamentalist Theology to naturalistic Social Science. Death row Chaplain at age (29); Full Professor and researcher for the past 28 YEARS. Tao-Yoga Master and trained Therapist who also dabbles in Quantum Physics and Psychic Healing and finds little disparity between the two. Read More |
Mr. Harry Moore |
Authored two books on geology: A Roadside Guide to the Geology Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, (1988, UT Press), and A Geologic Trip Across Tennessee By Interstate 40, (1994, UT Press). His third book, published in the summer of 2001 is "Discovering October Roads", geology and human history of fall color drives in East Tennessee, UT Press; His fourth book, "The Bone Hunters:the story of the Gray Fossil Site in Tennessee" is due to be released in the summer of 2004, Univ. of Tenn Press. Read More |
Mr. Cesar Sirvent |
Physics- The University of Zaragosa, Spain |
Ms. Monica Paxson |
Editor and final proofs for special SPSR issue of British astronomical publication, Quest for Knowledge Author (together with John Brandenberg) of book Dead Mars - Dying Earth Editor (together with Professor Stanley McDaniel) of Case for the Face. Also responsible for most of book's layout, design and cover. Developer GardenEarth.com--a website which looks at, among other things the implications for Earth of Dead Mars Dying Earth's analysis of thelost life on Mars. Read More |
Mr. Steve Corrick |
Agent, contributing editor, special SPSR issue of British Astronomical publication, Quest for Knowledge Agent, contributing editor to Case for the Face Agent, contributing editor to Dead Mars, Dying Earth Contributor to http://www.gardenearth.com Read More |
Dr. Charles Walker |
Dr. Walker is the recipient of numerous awards including the NASA Space Flight Medal (1984, twice in 1985), the Aerospace Laurels Award, Aviation Week and Space Technology Magazine (1985), the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Lindbergh Award, and others. Read More |
Mr. Peter P. Nerbun |
The Case for the Face, pages 195-196 Work cited in determining when MGS was in position to have imaged Cydonia Position statement: "On January 31, 2001, a new image of the Face at Cydonia was released to the public by JPL/MSSS Read More |
Mr. Robert A. Johnston |
Presently employed as a computer and communications engineer by Unisys. I am an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society and have had the privilege of using my experience in this field to assist Ananda Sirisena with his research. This has included an analysis of a NASA image of the so-called lunar shard.
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Mr. David J Eccott |
David Eccott is a professional musician engaged mostly in freelance playing and peripatetic teaching. His interest in the apparent anomalies of the Cydonia region of Mars stems from an interest in the question as to whether intelligent life forms exist elsewhere in the Universe, and whether we already possess the evidence that such life forms exist. Read More |
Mr. J.P. Levasseur |
Co-author of "Face-like Feature at West Chandor Chasma, Mars - MGS Image AB108403" with Dr. Horace Crater. Submitted report to Senator Susan M. Collins entitled "Summary of the Evidence in Support of the Hypothesis that Certain Martian Surface Features are of Intelligent Design", an expansion and update of a summary by Dr. Mark Carlotto Read More |
Mr. Malcolm Smith |
"Since learning of the Cydonia anomalies in 1988, I have tried to educate the UK public via magazine articles, letters and talks, presenting the latest facts and findings from SPSR researchers, and the potential impact should artificiality be verified. Additionally I have tried to interest the UK space science / educational community, so far with varying levels of success." Read More |
Mr. Greg Orme |
That if objects on Mars are artificial there should be indications where surveying has been done to build them, and that these signs should conform to geometrical principles such as using right angled and degenerate triangles. Read More |
Mr. Peter Ness |
Peter became interested in space and in particular Mars several years ago and has co-authored a paper with Greg Orme titled "Discussion Paper: The Martian Inorganic Spider-Ravine Models: explanation of plant like features on Mars - and organic life-on-Mars alternatives", which has recently been submitted to the BIS for publication. Read More |
Mr. Francis Ridge |
A 40-year veteran of serious and respected UFO researcher, he was a subcommittee chairman for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, which was one of the rapid response teams assigned to the University of Colorado UFO Project in 1968, and later a Field Investigator for the Center for UFO Studies and Indiana's MUFON State Director in 1989. Read More |
Mr. Mac Tonnies* |
(deceased). Mac Tonnies began publishing Mars/Cydonia commentary on the Web in 1998. Read More |
Mr. George J. Haas |
George J. Haas is the founder and premier investigator of the Mars research group known as The Cydonia Institute (EST1991). Read More |
Mr. Chris O'Kane |
Chris OKane has been active in education and amateur astronomy in Scotland. Read More |
Mr. William R. Saunders |
Associate director of The Cydonia Institute along with SPSR member George Haas. Read More |
Mr. Keith Morgan |
Keith has a BA in Communications from Howard University with a minor in Computer Science (1994). He began researching Mars anomalies after purchasing “The Monuments of Mars” by Richard C. Hoagland in 1988. While working at ABC News he supplied the producers of Nightline with photos from Richard C. Hoagland’s Monuments of Mars, which were presented on the program by Ted Koppel, during a September 1988 broadcast. He was also instrumental in getting a face-to-face meeting between Richard Hoagland and Ted Koppel. Read More |
Mr. Rick Sterling |
Rick Sterling first became fascinated with space travel in 1964 when the United States launched Mariner 4, the first successful Mars probe. In addition, the film 'Robinson Crusoe on Mars' (1964) also acted as a spark to trigger Rick's interest in space exploration. |
Mr. Duncan Lunan |
Duncan Alasdair Lunan, born October 1945, is a Scottish author with emphasis on astronomy, spaceflight and science fiction, undertaking a wide range of writing and speaking on those and other topics as a researcher, tutor, critic, editor, lecturer and broadcaster.
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Ms. Gemma Church |
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Mr. Michael J. Craig |
Author of the book Secret Mars (2013,) producer/writer of the documentary film Blue Planet Red (2023), owner of the website Secretmars.com. Read More |
Mr. Gianni Viola |
Italian journalist writer, Embassy military political consultant. Read More |